

The year I turned 16 my mom organized a surprise Sweet 16 party for me. Because we lived on the border of Virginia and North Carolina, I had friends in both states, and in order to get everyone to the party venue but keep me out of the picture, my lovely mother needed to have me somewhere else.

My mom, bless her heart, set up an appointment to do Glamour Shots. Yes, you read that right.

Reflecting on my teenage years, I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a tomboy, but I most certainly wasn't girly. I didn't love fixing my hair or doing my makeup - nor was I good at either - and did what I could to pull off the 'hippie' vibe a lot of the time. Honestly? I was mortified at the thought of a Glamour Shot, but went through with it anyway.

Here's 'normal' 16 year old me:

Here's Glamour Shot Lindsey.

I'm glad you can't decipher the PINK PINK lipstick from the black and white nature of the photo. Don't I look thrilled?

Once the shots were taken I headed home and my mom made up an excuse as to why we had to swing by the clubhouse in our neighborhood. Little did I know that I was walking into a room filled with friends. It was awesome - don't get me wrong - but I was still "glamourfied" and I was totally embarrassed to be seen by practically everyone I knew.

Why do I tell you this whole story? Great question.

Ironically, 16 years after my first experience with a makeup/hair/photoshoot, I was talked into another.

My good friend Melody had recently taken shots with her friend Nikra, who had done her hair, makeup, and photo shoot - and her pictures were amazing.

Granted, I will never be as hot as Miss Melody (as my kids call her) but I figured it was worth a shot.

Here was one of my results:

Yeah, I know, I know - I don't *really* look like this in real life- but it's a true testament to Nikra's amazing abilities.

So, mostly I wanted to introduce you to Nikra, seen below. After one summer working for MAC, she discovered her passion for beauty. She's completed several courses on makeup and hair for television and film, not to mention the time she dedicates to studying Civil Engineering at BYU.

She has a great website and a fun Facebook page with tons of before and after photos, as well as great beauty tips.

Recently, I convinced my hot friend Jill Kaufusi (of Square Native) into a photoshoot so I could photograph some of the process and to feature a giveaway here from Nikra's Makeup.

Check out our afternoon via photo:

 You want in, don't you?

This week, I'm giving away a hair & makeup session AND a photo session with Nikra. In addition, the winner will also be getting a gift basket of beauty products from Foot Petals, Cover Girl, Oil of Olay, and Pantene. This entire package worth over $200!

Entering is easy. Just do it below! 

(Either way - LIKE her Facebook page HERE and keep up with all her great info and promotions!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The real question is why DON'T I need a makeover?? So many problems, this would sure give Nikra a challenge! :)

  2. I could so use the help of an expert! :)

  3. I need a makeover because I have fallen into the "frumpy mama" rut!

  4. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I would be a serious challenge as I am terribly plain!!

  5. I agree with Lindsay :). Three kids in five years has done a number on me! Time for a change :).

  6. I would love to get a makeover. My husband might even take me out on a real date! :)

  7. How fun! Would love to do it!

  8. Um, because I'll be 51 in a week. Need I say more. Oh, maybe a little more, I've never had a makeover and it would be fun.

  9. Well she is clearly amazing!!! I think it would be so fun. I've never done a "glamour shot" makeover and always wanted to. :)

  10. Anonymous1:05 PM

    You know I need it. She is a amazing.

  11. Amazing. You are so so lovely Lindsey! Truly...I adore your giving heart and your beautiful soul. I don't really need a makeover, except my hair, face, clothes, etc...other than that I am totally amazing. Love you!

  12. Have you seen my mom frump style lately? It should speak for itself!!!

  13. Oh gosh. I need a makeover. My hair has gotten so thin that I never can make it look the way I want it too. Plus, I'm learning that I have to wear makeup differently now that I've lost weight.

  14. Lindsey - your glamour shot AND Nikra's photos of you are amazing! It helps to be photogenic. :) As for why I would like a makeover... this pregnancy has taken away all the sexiness (if there was any to begin with). I would love to feel beautiful again - even if it's just for a day. :)

  15. PPpppppffffttthhhh!!!! Hello! I just need one because I would totally love it!!! And (can I use this line) I have 3 children with special needs... I need a makeover!!

  16. Okay, you look hot as does Jill. Your hubbies better keep a close watch on you two. (Just don't go cruising State Street at night, promise?) I always love a good makeover--it's good for the soul. For reals. And I'd love to meet Nikra. She seems amazing!

  17. You look beautiful! Love it. I so want to win this! I'm a mom of 7 kids and my youngest is 6 months old. I feel old and fat! If someone could make me over, I would love it (and be impressed). helpmesave at lots2save dot com

    PS. I love that she is studying Civil engineering at BYU. I have a BS in Manufacturing Engineering from BYU and there were not a lot of girls in Engineering at the time. That's great.

  18. I need a Makeover! I need a style! Help!


  19. Boy could I use this! Why, because with 4 kids and too many jobs, I forget who I am.

  20. Who doesn't love a makeover? Sheesh... ;)

  21. I have 4 children, why wouldn't I need a makeover?

  22. I totally need a makeover because I feel frumpy now!

  23. Why do I need a makeover? It's Winter. I need a new headshot. I'm losing weight. I'm a mess. I drive too much. My back hurts. The kids are too loud. Take your pick.

  24. Can getting hit by a car count as a reason? Really though, I chopped my hair off 3 weeks before my accident and I really miss my long hair and have lots of days feeling that I look like a boy, I need to know that I can rock the short hair and still look like a girl until it grows out :)


    Also, I need a new head shot for the bog :0

  25. It would be awesome to win for so many reasons! fingers crossed!

  26. Because I just got married, and never get ready anymore.

  27. I so need this. Great post Lindsey. You look amazing. I am going to have to find my glamour shots from the 90's and share.

  28. Gorgeous ladies!! I love your pictures!! I'd love a makeover to get me out of the post-Christmas dreary weather no sunshine funk I've been in. Plus, I'd print a wallet size photo and slip it in my hubby's money clip Hubba Hubba!!

  29. I get into such a rut with my hair and make-up. I'd love to see the potential of getting out of that rut with something beautiful. btw - Jill is beautiful with and without make-up and she looks absolutely stunning in the photos.

  30. Oh man,this is beautiful. Is the fact that I am a mom good enough reason to need a makeover?

  31. I never really learned how to do my makeup. Now that I'm nearly 37- it's time I did. ;)

  32. I Could use a makeover and a Photoshoot!!!
    Sincerely a busy mom of 5 very Active, energetic kids

  33. You've seen me--you know I need a makeover. My kids ruined all my makeup except for my mascara and I haven't had the extra funds to buy more, so if I won some new makeup, that would be equally awesome. And if someone could show me how to apply it? Even better. Crossing everything to win!!!

  34. My hubby obliging takes pictures of me every now and again to update my blog/fb profile pics but it'd be so fun to actually get all dolled up! :)

  35. I'm always the one taking the pictures (and its not because I'm a great photographer by any means), it would be nice to have a shot taken of myself. :)

  36. Why a makeover? Because I think it's high time we fixed ugly on a stick. Plus, I'm sure my hubby and kids would be surprised to see me out in front of the camera for a change.

  37. Looks so fun! I'm so bad at hair and makeup.

  38. I would love to win this for my daughter Michaela for her Senior pictures. I also would like to get this done at some point. She is wonderful! You rock Lindsey!
